IDE review and plugins

Intellij: lots of built in functionality. able to add plugins, but its limited for community version i like the refactor and code checking functionality.  It usually works well when changing variable/ function / file names. Sometimes it doesnt work when the base reference is define elsewhere. git ui conflict resolution is great for picking the…

Javascript tools: node.js, angular1&4, async, etc

node.js server’s middle ware just nee to require the library from package for example calling the newrelic in the entry file server.js loads the settings using cookies, sessions, and other parsing libraries es5 and es6 formats, using babel to convert them to be compatible. The versions seems to do the same thing. when using setIntervale(function(funcName).time)…

How to: setup types of testing

Load testing with Jmeter: download the software from their website. search for the sql driver jar file and download that. put that file into the /lib of the jmeter folder start the jmeter app inside /bin for running tests on db, create a dbconnection step put in the db login details, and define a variable…

Reflect: Microservices setups

new build for small apps can be ready in less than a minute with docker jenkins pipeline. Versus medium size apps that takes about 5-10 minutes to install/build/run. best to setup microservices when there should be only one instance of an application. For example, running cron job to load data from another application. This will…

Reflect: SpringMVC and SpringBoot apps

backbone setup creating the xml file with the filelds defined config: descriptor that looks at which module the section of the backbone files dbapp sync to create the migration ddl files mysql setup good to setup pool connections that can be queued for functions for connect to db. it best to set the password from the…

How to: Branching and Merging Process

The industry standard for branching and merging it to keep everyone in sync with the process so that we always know the status of the project. Branching: Branching: when creating new features create new branch when the feature is different than existing branches, or will cause lof of file conflicts. use existing branch if its…

How to: setup a VM or Docker env

first need to select a base image. VM : lubuntu/ubuntu easiest, fedora safer but more complicated. Docker: centos6 small fedora OS. run update the image with the package management. run install base-compliers and project required languages and package managers setup the users chmod and download any code base or tools sometimes with enterprise firewall, you…

How to: CI/CD with Docker, Jenkins, Openshift

setup: git repo – code base created docker repo  – project repo created jenkins platform – with the pipeline,openshift addon openshift platform – project with oc login, imaging pulling access in codebase: create a Dockerfile for the base image installing only the needed libraries and tools. create a Dockerfile for the actual code base from…

Reflect: Dealing with healthcare app

  claims codes – needs claims line info, claim metadata, and ?. some of these files are huge with 50k lines. My thoughts: how do we simplify this? icd10 codes – standard industry codes for type of causes in claims. My thoughts: why not have standard codes in other fields/industry (jobs)? edi – formats used…

Git clean branch and Merge Conflicts

To deal with merge conflicts, it’s best to use a good UI tool. I recommend using the intellij, you can visually see that difference and also able to track down who made the changes if there’s any questions. if you don’t care about losing you changes you can use the command line to force merge…